I'm quite excited about this one, sadly not active in my tenant yet but when it is I will be back.
Here's the challenge, you have a metric/scorecard, you have gone to a lot of trouble to get it right and it just works nicely in either a test dashboard or a work team specific dashboard.
It's now time to either deploy that scorecard properly or just share in multiple places as it applies just as much to a different work team. You can't without starting again each time, or should I say you couldn't.

You can now, take a look at the image, click on File and you will see the option to Move or Copy.

You can now Move the entire scorecard to a new workspace, for example out of a test space into production. All rules and metadata will go with it.

You can now Copy the entire scorecard to a new workspace, for example out of a test space into production, again rules and metadata will go with it, this time you can choose.
Quite neat if you want to have a template.
I will check back regularly and update this post when it comes through.
Full July Update Here.
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